
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Interesting incidents about the intelligence and hypocrisy of wolfs

Ubqari Magazine - May 2016

(Muhammad Asghar Mujadadis, Depalpur)

The wolf said, Sir you eat donkey this time. Eat the deer at evening and do the breakfast with rabbit. The lion became very happy with this distribution and started saying that how did you learn such perfect distributions? The wolf said smiling, from the bad end of bear.

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sir Assalam-o-Alikum! Person is monthly Ubqari’s regular buyer. I have attained a lot of benefit from this edition. I am sending an essay for children for the first time. May Allah accept apart from your wiseness, health, treatment, your services to country and nation and spiritual Islamic knowledge and writings? May He increase beatitude in your knowledge and action so that your benefit to depressed humanity continuous. Aameen. Dear children! Wolf is very clever, smart, intelligent and deceitful animal. Although the books are filled with the incidents of wolf’s intelligence, cleverness and hypocrisy but due to the interest of reader’s children of Ubqari, I am presenting 5 incidents:

  1. Lion bear and wolf, all three went for hunting. Three of them caught one donkey, deer and one rabbit. The lion ordered the bear to distribute the hunt. The bear said: O king, the donkey is yours, deer mine and the rabbit is of wolf. The lion got very angry because he didn’t like the distribution. Angrily he slapped the bear and killed him. Then said to the wolf that now you do the distribution. The wolf said, Sir, you eat donkey this time, the deer at evening and do the breakfast with rabbit. The lion became very happy with this distribution and started saying that how did you learn such perfect distributions? The wolf said smiling, from the bad end of bear.
  2. Imam Shafi’e has written on one place that during our journey one time we ordered for 2 chickens, after keeping the cooked chickens on the table cloth we got busy in offering namaz-e-maghrib. While this, a wolf came and took away one chicken. After namaz, we became very sad. While this, that wolf came having chicken in mouth, kept it on some distance and went back. We ran to pick that chicken so the same wolf attacked from the other side, packed up the second chicken and got lost. After that when we paid attention to the first chicken which the wolf had thrown so the limit of our surprise was crossed because actually that was not the hen but one old cloth, which was given the look of chicken after wrapping. So from this trick the wolf took our both chickens and we were left rubbing our hands.
  3. Once, the king of jungle, lion got sick. All the animals came to visit him but the wolf didn’t make her presence, the bear sitting beside complained about her, from which the lion got sad. After few days, when wolf came, the lion said screaming on the wolf that why didn’t you come to ask my condition? The wolf said: Sir, I was busy in finding your treatment. The lion said: Then what treatment you find? The wolf said: Sir, the bone of leg of bear is the healing treatment of your disease. So the lion hit his claw on the leg of bear and took out the home and ate its material. The bear got hurt and went out with wolf. On the way the wolf said to the bear that remember next time when you sit with the kings then say the words after thinking and pondering.
  4.  One time, the lion got old and was not able to hunt. He did this trick that he sat in a cave pretending sick. So whichever animal used to come to visit him, he used to attack it and eat it. One day, the wolf came to visit the lion so start asking about his condition while standing on the door of cave. The lion said angrily, presumptuous, why don’t you come inside? The wolf said that O king I don’t come inside because on the door of cave are the sings of the ones going inside but not of the ones coming outside safely.
  5. In much hunger, to full its stomach the wolf does many dramas and adopts deceitful ways to stock its predator. That in this way, it lay down and turns away the pupil of its eye, so that the one seeing might think that it’s dead. In this situation, when any animal comes near to it, so it attacks and hunts it, finding it not attentive. When insects get on wolf body so to prevent from them, it holds some hairs of its body in its hand and slowly enters the water. The insects start moving to the upper body to save their life. While walking they come into the bundle of hairs holding in its hand. In the end, the wolf throws that hairs in water and comes itself on the land and so gets rid off due to its intelligence. Moreover, the wolf keeps the leaves of onion near its children to make them safe from bears from whose smell they don’t come near. (Taken from: Hayat-ul-haiwan, Ajaib-ul-haiwanaat, kanz-ul-mufardaat).
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